Friday, June 5, 2015

What is the actual meaning about sugary drinks?

What is the actual meaning about sugary drinks?
There is nothing sweet about how much sugar people consume every day. A typical is sugary beverages such as soda has become a common drink for Americans.  The reason people love to drink soda because it tastes good, but it does not mean good for their health. If you record of all the empty calories and sugar from sodas you had been drinking after a long period of time, it adds up. An interesting fact and easy calculation the amount of sugar from “How Much Sugar in Sodas and Beverages?” that a typical 20oz bottle of coke has 240 calories and 65 grams of sugar. Now, that may not seem like a lot of sugar, but when you look at those 65 grams of sugar which equal around 16 teaspoons of pure sugar the truth behind sodas starts coming to light. Most people would have common thinking and agree that eating 16 teaspoons of raw sugar would be extremely unhealthy, but since it is dissolved into a beverage or any kind of sugary drink, most people do not realize how much sugar they are actually consuming. 
According to the sugar fact sheet, two out of three adults and one out of three children in the United States are overweight or obese, (Ogden, Carroll, Flegal, 2012) and the nation spends an estimated $190 billion a year treating obesity-related health conditions (Ogden, Carroll, Flegal, 2012). Over a long time cycle of continued consumption, those calories and sugar loads can have debilitating effects on the human body. Such effects include an increased likelihood of contracting heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and obesity, among many others. Informing people eventually leads to more people opting for healthier substitutes for their beverage choice.
Everyone can easily reduce the amount of sugary beverages they consume by drinking more water. As we known water is just water, it doesn't matter if you drink it three to four bottles a day. It is healthy for everyone who drink it. It helps to purge the toxic inside our body and release by urinary system.  The calorie in water is zero, and the important point is water has no sugar. Over a time span of months and even a few years, simply reducing or eliminating sugary drinks with plain old-fashioned water has been shown to help reduce obesity and help those already obese shed weight faster. A study conducted by researcher Deborah Tate, PhD.D., an associate professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that people who chosen to drink water over diet or regular sodas were more likely lose weight at quick rate. The success of the study is showcased from the fact that of those 318 overweight or obese people who participated, those who drank only water were more likely to experience a 5 percent weight loss — a percentage far more prominent than those who were instructed to drink soda or diet soda (Tate , D. F, 2012).
Regarding of sugary beverages, California State has release a solution that should the sugary drinks have warming labeled same like tobacco applied. State Senator Bill Monition has proposed a possible label example that could read, “STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAFETY WARNING: Drinking beverage with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.” It would share similarities to already-used labels warning of the risks of smoking (Zuraw, Lydia, 2014). The warning label would be a great idea because even though some nutrition facts are on sugary beverages they are oftentimes overlooked due to small fonts that many people simply glance over. Having a larger, more prominent label would catch people’s attention and have an impact on the beverage choices they make in their day-to-day lives. Along with the label, additional information could be made easily accessible to the masses via the Internet to further educate what over consumption of soda can have on the body.
Besides the negative effects that excess sugar in sugary drinks can cause to the body, the warning label could also bring attention to other ingredients. Ingredients are phosphoric acid, a syrupy liquid used for fertilizers, in rust-proofing metals and at one point, as a flavoring in soft drinks. Part of the reason sugary beverages are consumed on such a large scale is most people do not know the harmful of chemicals in them. If the warning labels clearly stated the soda’s ingredient outside the can, most people would be likely to opt out of drinking beverages due to concern for their health.
Like all good things, moderation is a main point. Sometime people in his or her life had drunk a soda; the important thing is people should to be known what they are putting into their body and they should stop it as soon before too late for their health. Soon or later, people will have to take the long-term effects from their daily nutrition.  If people make a good choice for protecting their health since they are young; they support to be having a good health on the days getting older. The requirement for sugary beverages to have a warning label with information could aid in the long run of making the population more aware of how their drinking choices in the present can benefit their overall health in the future.

Works Cited
-         "How Much Sugar in Sodas and Beverages?" Sugar Stacks. N.p., 2009. Web. 01 June 2015. <>.
-         Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Flegal KM. Prevalence of obesity and trends in body mass index among US children and adolescents, 1999-2010. JAMA. 2012; 307:483-90.
-         Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Ogden CL. Prevalence of obesity and trends in the distribution of body mass index among US adults, 1999-2010. JAMA. 2012; 307:491-7.
-         Tate, D. F., G. Turner-Mcgrievy, E. Lyons, J. Stevens, K. Erickson, K. Polzien, M. Diamond, X. Wang, and B. Popkin. "Replacing Caloric Beverages with Water or Diet Beverages for Weight Loss in Adults: Main Results of the Choose Healthy Options Consciously Everyday (CHOICE) Randomized Clinical Trial." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 95.3 (2012): 555-63. Web.
-          Zuraw, Lydia. "California Senate Passes Bill Requiring Warning Labels on Some Sugar-Sweetened Drinks | Food Safety News." Food Safety News. Marler Clark, 5 June 2015. Web. 01 Dec 2014.

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